How do I limit time entry and/or add overtime?

Set a weekly time limit for inputting your collaborators.

✅ You must have invited your collaborators on OOTI

🔓 Required permissions

Super admin

Reading time 1 min
Setup length 5 min
Steps 3


I/ Configuring weekly hour limits

II/ Configuring overtime hours



I/ Configuring weekly hour limits

Click on your First Name at the top right > Settings > Time on the left > Users > Hours tab. 

Enable or disable the entry of hours for your collaborators, then set the limit for contractual weekly hours per collaborator.

There you go! 🎉

💡 The time configuration takes precedence over the collaborators' contracts.

The value entered in the overtime column corresponds to the contractual hours (35) + the overtime hours (7) = 42 hours.

This icon ⚠️ indicates that the collaborator does not have an employment contract.


II/ Configuring overtime hours

Activate the "Use weekly overtime" module in Settings > Modules on the left > Time tab.

Then, go back to Time on the left > Users > Hours tab and set the new weekly limit including overtime hours.

Here, for example, Anaïs has a total limit of 45 hours, with a contractual base of 40 hours.

This means she has 5 overtime hours available.

Finally, allow overtime hours for time types. Stay in Settings > Time on the left > Time Types > activate the module in the Overtime column. 

This way, overtime hours can be recorded for different time types.

If the module is not activated for time types, only the hours within the contractual weekly limit will be possible.

There you go! 🎉