How to prepare an accounting export file?

Prepare an accounting export file from OOTI.

🔓 Permissions required

Super Admin

Reading time  2 min
Setup length  5 min
Steps  1

Save your charts of accounts on OOTI in order to facilitate your exports and/or your accounting integrations via the software integrated into OOTI: Sage, Quickbooks and Dext.

💡 Click here to read the article on accounting integrations.

Click on your First name at the top right > Settings > Invoicing on the left > Account numbers.

screen settings invoicing account numbersYou will find the following tabs: Chart of accounts, Team Default, Customers, Contractors, Collaborators and Projects, as well as the blue label for Teams if you manage several entities on your account.

Fill in the different tabs as you wish.

Chart of accounts tab

Click the + Account button to add a new account with Name and Account Number, then click Save.

Capture d’écran 2023-05-16 à 11.15.23

Click on the underlined names or numbers to edit them.

To delete an account, click on the red trash can to the right of the row.

screen account number Invoice

It's done ! 🎉
You know how to complete your chart of accounts.


Team Default Tab

You will find the accounts of your entity which are proposed by default and which you can modify by clicking on the underlined numbers.

screen team default tab invoicing

Customers tab
Account numbers are customer IDs. You can change them by clicking on the underlined numbers.

screen customer tab invoicing

Contractors tab
You find your external companies and you can modify the accounts by clicking on the green pen.

screen contractors tab invoicing

Collaborators tab
Account numbers are the unique identifiers of collaborators. You can change them by clicking on the underlined numbers. 

screen collaborators tab invoicing

Projects tab
You find your projects and you can modify the accounts by clicking on the two underlined lines.

screen projects tab invoicing